Rug Cleaning

Rug Cleaning

Rugs look better and last longer when properly maintained. A typical 9 x 12 rug can hold up to 87 pounds of dry soil before even beginning to look dirty! These dry soils are abrasive, in which they scrape away at rug fibers like sandpaper every time you walk across your rug, essentially shortening its life.It is recommended you clean your rugs every 2 to 4 years.

When you have your rugs cleaned by Bayside Carpet Cleaning, they will be cleaner and feel softer than ever before.

Rug Cleaning Process

Rug cleaning takes time and care from professionals; many rug-cleaning companies have systems that basically treat your investment as if it were going through a five-dollar car wash.

Why would anyone trust an often expensive and irreplaceable investment to just any old company? Your favorite rugs are priceless;

this is why we take extra care to insure the best results are achieved every time.


Using Rug Cleaning Machines

In the next phase, rug cleaning machine is used to clean the carpet all fiber level. The strong effect produced by the machine takes all the dirt and debris away from it leaving behind clear, stain free rugs.

After the rug is thoroughly cleaned and dried, it is wrapped in craft paper to keep it safe from contact with dust until it is dispatched back to you.

In the case of onsite cleaning, after cleaning, deoxidizers are used to suck all the stink out your rug giving it a pleasant smell.

  • Pre-Inspection: The process starts with a thorough inspection. We will carefully inspect your rug for tears, holes, abrasions, pet stains or other areas that call for special attention.
  • Dry Soil Removal: The most important step in the process. We will remove loose soil, allergens, dust mites and grit. This greatly improves the indoor air quality of your home.
  • Pre-Conditioning and Spotting: All spots are pre-treated to maximize stain removal potential. This will insure top cleaning effectiveness.
  • Scrubbing: Using a special shampoo that is ph-balanced to protect natural fibers, the rug is gently scrubbed using a rotary brush to increase cleaning effectiveness.
  • Controlled Drying: Using state of the art heat and humidity controlled drying methods; we can preserve the strength and longevity of your rug.
  • Final Inspection: Our final inspection will make sure our stringent cleaning standards have been attained. In the unlikely event any issues are discovered, the rug will be re-cleaned using the same process.

Call for help now! (929) 432-6580

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